Please note that I've updated my teaching schedule, which you will find under the tabs above. My courses are at the moment held in different locations in Finland, and mainly in the Swedish language. However, I also welcome students who speak Finnish and English to my courses.
Undervisning hösten 2013
Observera att jag har uppdaterat schemat för min undervisning, och du hittar informationen under fliken uppe till vänster. Mina kurser hålls för närvarande på olika orter i Finland och främst på svenska. Deltagare som talar finska eller engelska är dock också varmt välkomna.
- Annika
20 August 2013
18 August 2013
The Calling of the Harebell
After a week of artist’s block... well, to be honest, it’s felt more like a life block, I had enough. I wanted to do something creative and fun, but something that wouldn’t be too demanding on my uncooperative brain. So I picked out a favourite image by the fairy artist Brian Froud (from the book Faeries. Described and illustrated by Brian Froud and Alan Lee) and started working on a pretty purse.
original image, slightly cropped
Ingredients for a fun time: rayon embroidery thread, zipper, iced parfait hand dyed fabric, image cropped, enlarged, modified and drawn on tracing paper
Free-motion quilting/embroidery through tracing paper
Image sewn, removal of tracing paper (tweezers are a girl's best friend)
Tying off threads and painting in the silhoutte with a Zig brush tipped fabric marker
Silhouette finished
Background quilting started. Let's see how this develops. These weird and wonderful flowers weren't planned. They just invited themselves in. I'm letting the magic of the fabric decide how I quilt.
I'll post more images as I progress on my little fairy purse.
Thanks for stopping by! - Annika