
9 October 2010

Koki toji

Jag har gått en arbiskurs i japansk bokbindning den här helgen. Jättekul! Så nu har jag lärt mig några nya ord på japanska och en ny färdighet. Rubriken är alltså namnet på ett av de sätt som finns för att sy ihop ryggen på en bok (se häftet med en trana på pärmen). Jag har också låtit mig inspireras av sasiko-broderi. I somras köpte jag en inspirerande bok om sashiko (Sashiko. Brodera på japanskt vis av Agnès Delage-Calvet), men jag har ännu inte hunnit pröva tekniken. Så jag ritade i stället sashiko-mönster med en vit gelpenna på en pärm som jag hade målat med gouache. Jag lånade också ett par andra broderimotiv ur boken till två andra pärmar. Pärmen med en ros har två lager, och jag har skurit upp det översta (röda) lagret med en skalpell så att det svarta lagret syns.

Koki toji

This weekend I've taken a Japanese bookbinding class. That was fun! So now I've learned a few new words in Japanese and a new skill. The heading above is the name of one of the differerent ways that you can sew the spine of a book (cf the booklet with a crane on the cover). I've also let myself be inspired by sashiko embroidery. Last summer I bought an inspiring book about sashiko (Sashiko by French author Agnès Delage-Calvet, 2006, Marabou, Hachette Livre), but I haven't yet found the time to try out the technique. So instead, I drew sashiko patterns with a white gel pen on a cover that I'd painted with gouache. I also borrowed a couple of other motifs from the book for another two covers. The cover with a rose is built with two layers, one of which (the red one) I have cut into with a craft knife to reveal the black layer underneith.


  1. Hello, I am Japanese woman enjoy SASHIKO. So it was exciting that you did our traditional culture. If you are interested in my works, please visit my blog.

  2. P.S. it seems I made a mistake. I don't want to be an annonymos. My name is Mychiko from Japan.
    Now I try to comment once more.

    1. Thank you Mychiko! I'm becoming more and more interested in Japanese crafts: sashiko, shibori, Japanese bookbinding, quilting and dressmaking... The list goes on. The Japanese make such beautiful and tasteful crafts. I had a look at your blog, but wasn't sure how to leave a comment, so I reply here instead. You create absolutely beautiful sashiko work! By now I've tried some sashiko inspired embroidery myself, but my things are very modest in comparison. Thank you for giving me the link to your blog!

    2. It is nice hearing from you. Thank-you for your reply.
      Well, you know about Japanese culture very much. I´m really appreciated it.
      I continue to give the news about SASHIKO and so on, please enjoy sometimes.

      For several months, my friend who is taking care of my blog(cause I´m very bad at IT works) has tried to put the mail form on my blog.,but failed many times we don't know why.
      Today, we tried again and got it!
      So you can leave your message on my blog from now.
      Of course I welcome d your blog to link.
      Let us link biraterally.

      I wish I had SASHIKO workshop at overseas country.
      FINLAND becomes on my list!

      I try to write the news about SASHIKO and my favourites in English from now.
      Enjoy visit sometimes!

    3. Thank you Mychiko. I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. I tried replying on your blog, but it didn't work. I couldn't find the right send button, and then the programme seemed to ask me for a password that I didn't have. I love your poncho and the sashiko circles, and I hope you'll be able to follow your dream of workshops overseas. Have a good week!
