
4 May 2011

Of mermaids

It’s cold in Finland again, after a warm spell around Easter, and it’s cold in my office, and I'm cold, and I want to be back in Thailand. A song by Finnish musician J. Karjalainen has been spinning in my head for days:

Aallot laivaa keinuttaa
za-za-zaa za-za-za zaa-laa-la-laa
Pinnan alla
Meillä oli hauskempaa
Merenneitoni ja minä

My attempt at translating the text into English (I'm sorry that the play with sounds didn't translate very well, so it'll give you the meaning, but it's not very poetic) will explain to those of you who don’t understand Finnish why this song has become an earworm for me:

Oo-laa-la-laa-Open sea
The ship is rocked by the waves
za-za-zaa za-za-za zaa-laa-la-laa
Beneath the surface
It was more fun for us
The mermaid and me

Here’s a link to the song, if any of you who are unfamiliar with Finnish pop culture would like to listen to it. It’s a narrative song about a man (apparently the musician himself), who’s invited into the sea god Ahti’s kingdom by a mermaid. (Ahti isn’t at home, so it’s ok.) The song was also spinning in my head when I was snorkelling. I like the silly lyrics. I’m fond of a lot of silly things.

This ink drawing is based on a mermaid I did a while ago. I drew it on tracing paper this time, and modified certain details. The next step is to collage it down on a suitable background.


  1. She is wonderful! I am not so good at silly, and I need to loosen up, so I am taking a class in "silly" drawing right now with Carla Sonheim to help me stop doing things with so much need for control.

  2. Thanks Cheryl! I'm good at being silly, but when it comes to drawing, I, too, find it difficult to loosen up and let go of control. That's why I'm intimidated by water-based media. With technical pens, you know where you have them. Carla's class would probably be good for me too!
