
2 October 2011

Needle-felted Heart Ornaments

I'm sorry that it took me so long, but here, finally, are the directions for the needle-felted heart ornaments that I wrote about just over a month ago in this blog entry.

Needle-felted heart ornament

  • 2 pieces of craft felt, approximately 12 x 12 cm (4.5” x 4.5”) 
  • scraps of yarn, embroidery thread, embroidery floss, etc. 
  • sewing or machine embroidery thread 
  • 1 piece of batting, approximately 10 x 10 cm (4” x 4”) 
  • 22 cm (9”) of narrow ribbon 
  • beads 
  • embroidery floss

Print the template in 150 dpi to ensure that the size is correct


1. Arrange the fibres that you wish to needle-punch onto the felt on top of one of the felt pieces. If you use snippets of machine embroidery thread, it is best to place them under the wool, as that makes it easier to secure them.

2. Punch the fibres into the felt with a hand felting tool or a needle-felting machine. You just need to punch them until they stick reasonably well to the surface.

3. Secure the fibres with free-motion stitching or some other form of machine stitching.

4. Trace the heart template on the back of the needle-felted piece, but do not cut it out yet.

5. Place the felt pieces right sides together and stitch along the heart-shaped line, making sure you leave an opening that is approximately 5.5 cm (2 ¼”).

6. Cut around the heart and clip the corners and curves. You can also use pinking shears, in which case you don’t need to clip the curves. Turn the heart right sides out.

7. Trace the heart template onto the piece of batting and cut out the heart shape.

8. Poke the heart shaped piece of batting into the sewn heart through the opening. A tool such as haemostats or tweezers is helpful to get the batting in the right position.

9. Fold the ribbon in half and make a knot close to the raw edges to form a loop. Thread the looped end of the ribbon through a big needle and bring the needle inside the heart through the opening. Poke the needle through the fabric in the indentation on top of the heart and pull the ribbon through. The knot is now hidden inside the heart.

10. Whip stitch the opening closed.

11. Finish the heart with beaded blanket stitch, which is worked like this: take a stitch, thread a bead onto the embroidery floss and push it as far as it goes, take a new stitch, making sure that the bead sits on the loop that forms along the top edge of the stitch.

The finished needle-felted heart ornament

Good luck with your heart ornament!   

PS. Please let me know if you find errors in the directions so I can correct them!


  1. Thank you! This looks great. I really like the beaded edge too. Can't wait to try one, maybe even this week.

  2. Hej,från mamma, vad snyggt.Du kunde göra några att sälja på julmässan.

  3. Thanks Annika! Now that cooler weather is here, it is time to switch to inside creating. This is the perfect project to start on. Wishing you a beautiful week.

  4. oooh, this is really neat! Love the colors you used, too. I've enjoyed looking at your blog and textile projects.
    best from Tunisia,
