
24 June 2011


Midsummer is a major festival in Finland, which isn’t very surprising considering the amount of time we spend refrigerated. So when summer finally arrives, we need to enjoy it as much as we can. A lot of people leave the cities and go to their summer cottages in the countryside, by a lake or by the sea. I, too, went to visit my folks.

Fia the Terri(fy)er. 
After dinner the family had a game of Westie-ball.
(I kicked, Dad threw and Fia chased a small football.)
That was the best laugh I've had in weeks.

Mum wanted to visit the Aspegren Gardens, so we packed ourselves into the car. 

A traditional Midsummer pole (very pagan)

The garden

The grounds

These poppies really pop

1 comment:

  1. I love the midsummer pole, perhaps the Welsh and Norse genes are alive! The Terrifier seems to want to help with the driving - adorable.
