
25 September 2011

A Job Well Done

To my great relief, the project that has been my bane at the office for the last four weeks was finally wrapped up on Friday. To celebrate, I went by a chocolaterie on my way home and bought four handmade pralines to enjoy with a cup of tea. Flavours: champagne, cherry-orange, strawberry-lime and mocha.

Makes your mouth water, doesn’t it?

After tea and chocolates, inspiration descended upon me and I made my first multicoloured stamp. I learned this technique from Melanie Testa and Patricia Gaignat at least a year ago, but haven’t tried it before now. There are a number of circumstances why the time was ripe for me to try it now, and here are the top three:

1. Melanie has been making and using multicoloured stamps a lot lately, and has blogged about it, so that whetted my appetite.

2. At the crafts fair that I visited a couple of weeks ago I found double sided self-adhesive film, which makes it super easy to attach craft foam shapes to transparencies. So far I haven’t been able to find self-adhesive craft foam here, so this is the second best thing. What a relief not to have to mess around with glue any more!

3. A few months ago I came across an interesting product called Tack-n-Peel (by Tsukineko). This is a sticky and reusable cling sheet that you can attach to a piece of acrylic. You can then use this print block for unmounted stamps or [...drum roll...] craft foam shapes that are attached to a piece of transparency.

This craft foam, self-adhesive film, transparency and Tack’n’Peel on a block of acrylic combo is a real winner in my world, because these stamps are easy to make, the materials are inexpensive, the transparency backing is a real space saver, and the cling sheet on a block of acrylic gives the flimsy transparency backed stamp stability when needed, AND it creates a transparent print block, so you know exactly where you place your stamp. The advantages never seem to end. I’m sold.

Different parts of a multicoloured stamp. 
Many of these shapes can also be used on their own.

The stamped image

Now I need to think about inkpads. My collection of inkpads isn’t very big, as I haven’t been much into stamping so far. Here’s another blog entry where I discuss stamping. However, when stamp-making has become as easy as this, I might actually catch the pox and start making more stamps. They are after all a great way of trying out ideas in your sketchbook.

PS. Look at these yummy scissors (from Fiskars) that a friend gifted me! Don’t they make you wanna pull out your fabrics and start cutting? 


  1. Annika, another beautiful post with yummy colors and images! I can buy the self adhesive foam sheets in a large block at Walmart for about five dollars. I will be very happy to trade for a little sample of fabric from your summer print experiments. Just send me your address by email if you'd like to do this.

  2. Hej!
    Jag skulle o vilja ha en sån fin sax. Vad var det för "choklad bollar"du har gjort?
    Hälsn. mamma.

  3. Thanks Cheryl! I appreciate your offer. I'll have a look at my little stash of samples to see whether I have enough to share, and get back to you soon.

  4. Mamma, chokladbollarna är inte tillverkade av mig, utan köpta från en lyxig chokladbutik. Men jag åt dem alldeles själv. ;-)

  5. I am swooning over the chocolates! They sound so tasty. Your block prints are beautiful and the scissors just make you want to find something to cut out.

  6. Hi thanks for giving me a shout-out. I love the stamp you made.
