
17 June 2012

New Patterns, Part II

Ok, I got lost in my tracks and it took me a while to get back to the second part of my blog entry about new patterns. There's been a lot going on chez Lund, and I've felt like I've been running two steps behind myself for the last couple of weeks. But; I only have two more weeks' worth of  office time now, before not only my summer vacation but also my new life begins. I think I'll start by vegetating for a while, which will include tidying up the chaos in my flat and reorganising my cupboads. I need to dig out all those ringbinders with notes and samples from when I was in teacher training. How exciting!

Now, what I originally wanted to blog about was an online course in stencil making that I've taken with Melanie Testa: Stencil Magic (check out her new teaching website The Clever Guild), but I will have to return to that in New Patterns, Part III, as I really haven't got as far with the course work as I had hoped. Instead, and as a warm-up, I will show you some of the cool graffiti stencil work that I came across on my trip to Tallinn, Estonia, last weekend. Thanks to Melly and her stencil magic, my eyes have opened up to a new art form I never took much notice of before. Aren't these graffiti images fun and inspiring? I should take a walk round Helsinki too, and see if I find some at closer quarters than across the Gulf of Finland. Until New Patterns, Part III, enjoy these Estonian stencil samples:

This funny-bunny popped up in several places

This one's for you Melly!

As well as this one

Does anyone remember these anymore?

This looks pretty yummy, don't you agree?

Thanks for visiting! - Annika

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The graffiti is fabulous. All we have locally are gang tagging that is pretty uninspired. I do like watching the trains transporting grain as they have interesting marks from elsewhere. Melly's class opened my eyes, too. Every where I look I see possibilities. I hope you enjoy some relaxation and creating before you start teaching. Have fun!
