
6 July 2012

A Splash of Colour

for your inspiration and mine!

After a slow start, summer has finally decided to make an appearance in this northern place, and I've been enjoying the sun out on the balcony. A couple of days ago I planted some lovely flowers to get the creative juices a-flowing. Pink is hot this summer, I can tell you.

Here's my tiny "flower garden":

They look like some sort of geranium, and I love them!

And here's the "herb garden":

My favourite happy rug:

Aren't these lichens beautiful? They grow on the parapet (scroll up to the first image and you'll see them peeping behind the flowers). I guess a sensible person would scrub them off, but I can't. They're so pretty. Look at the frilly bits and little cups! They're staying right where they are as long as I'm in charge.

These are a few of my favourite things at the moment, and I hope they got your creative juices a-flowing too! -Annika


  1. I love your rug! The geraniums are called Martha Washington geraniums here. My Great Gram used to grow them in her windowsill. All winter long she would put them out during the day and bring them in during the night. I love the lichen. It is such an amazing color. I like the gray/silver/green vine like plant as well. Hope your weekend is sunny!

    1. Thanks for telling me what the geraniums are called. That makes it easier to know what to ask for in the future. They're so pretty, I know they'll become a summer favourite for me. I also love the silvery vines. They have really soft and velvety leaves, and a faint scent. I didn't ask their name either, silly me. But at least I have had the sense to photograph them. The weekend hasn't been very sunny, I'm afraid, but pleasantly warm. A good weather for crafting. :)
