
12 October 2012

Breast Pockets with Love from Finland

Last week I did my best to promote Melanie Testa's Breast Pocket Project on my blog, in Facebook groups and at the adult education centre where I currently work. I don't know how many of you blog readers joined the project (please leave a comment if you did!), but I got ten pockets from the fabulous women at the adult education cenre, two from my mum, and I made two myself: a total of 14 pockets! So far, that is, because there will probably be one more next week, which will travel to New York bravely on its own. A heartfel Thank You to everyone who joined the project! Here's a photo of the whole ensemble, getting ready for their journey across the Atlantic:

And these are my pockets, with some sort of sashiko embroidery. Melanie is the only "flattie" I know (of), so I made two pockets, as she is a full flattie.

And don't forget that October is breast cancer awareness month, so please give a donation to your local breast cancer reserach organisation. Even a small donation helps!

Have a great weekend, and thanks for popping by! - Annika


  1. It brings tears to my eyes to see all of these pockets on their way to Melly. The generosity of people around the world to pitch in and help Melly reach her goal is heart warming. I just wish we all didn't know so many people who have had to travel the breast cancer path. xoxo

    1. I feel the same, Jeannie...
      Have a great weekend! xoxo

  2. Wow: 1000 pockets! What a feat! I keep my fingers crossed. And if I do great work, part of it is definitely thanks to you. You've been such an inspiration, so generous, and you've shown me a path forward. Thank you.
