
26 July 2011

Things Are Cooking in My Kitchen

After a rather slow start, I’ve really got into swing with my experimentations now. Some have been successful, others less so. I wrote before that I’d like to try shibori, deconstructed (breakdown) printing and gelatin printing. By now I have tried them all and will report back in due course. Before that I’ll just share a few other projects that are already finished or in progress.


This is a material that you heat up with e.g. an iron and then press onto/into an object or surface. The material retains the shape when it cools. However, if you’re not happy with the form or texture, you can reheat the Softsculpt to flatten it again, and redo the imprint. I have had this material for three years without trying it, until two days ago, when I finally was inspired. I probably spent an hour searching my flat for things that could be used for stamp-making (e.g. a vegetable brush, a piece of wood, a Christmas ornament, a quilting ruler, a candle-holder…). I haven’t yet tried the stamps, though.

Angie’s Fall

Perhaps you remember that I was very careful when I removed the stencil that I used for the pillow? One evening I was standing with it in my hand, wondering about how to store it, when I got an idea. It would make a great print on a t-shirt. So I picked out a t-shirt that I’d planned to print on and got cracking. I used the fabric paints that I bought in Edinburgh. Very luxurious result: they’re all metallic paints. Yum.
(And: I managed to remove the stencil without ripping it, so I’ll probably be able to use it one more time.)


I had planned to hunt for fabrics for Franka as soon as my vacation started, but I got busy with other things instead. Yesterday I had a rummage in my stash and came up with some yummy fabrics that I think will work. Here you see her top and skirt. But I still need to go on a hunt for water and skin tones. I’m excited, but slightly apprehensive. Those shapes will be a challenge to handle. Thank goodness for paper-backed fusible web. Without it this wouldn’t be possible.

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